Just finished setting up the Facebook page. Check it out!
Google Fiber spawns startup renaissance in Kansas City | Internet & Media – CNET News
Google Fiber spawns startup renaissance in Kansas City | Internet & Media – CNET News.
1 Gbps pipe right to your home. The power of bandwidth to spark things.
Databases are Cool
I can post and teach a wonderful class at St. Joe’s at the same time. How cool is that?!?
Just say, “Thank you, Apple!” // Windows 8 Pro Upgrade Price: $40 j.mp/OZ7KOQ
— Robert Barrimond (@rbarrimond) July 5, 2012
How Apple does segmentation without fragmentation on their platform. HT @johngruberj.mp/Oo8lcw
— Robert Barrimond (@rbarrimond) June 26, 2012
The disaggregation of iTunes continues on iOS. Wonder how long it will take to get to the Mac OS? j.mp/LO7VIY
— Robert Barrimond (@rbarrimond) June 26, 2012
Wake Up, RIM
Methinks Blackberry should take it’s own advice. It’s never smart to call your potential customers stupid especially if they “mean business.” They didn’t buy from you right?
(Via The Loop)
Tax Common Sense
Bruce Bartlett speaks of economic common sense in the midst of the current political circus.
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart | Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Bruce Bartlett | ||||
Dirty Money
David Coldewey writes in his article Dirty Money:
Well, not all the cards. As I wrote once, the reason Apple does the things it does is to please us, the consumers. We demand a new iPhone every year that must be better and cheaper. We insist that a thousand dollars is too much for a state of the art computer. We want bigger TVs and external hard drives and slim cameras. And we, almost without exception, fail to care when our demand for more iPads drives Apple to double its orders, driving Foxconn to push more overtime, driving poorly-maintained ventilation systems to their maximum, driving a spark to ignite an aluminum-dust explosion. It’s not our problem, it’s Apple’s or it’s Foxconn’s or it’s China’s. Very reassuring. Continue reading “Dirty Money”
Take ‘Em to Church?
The truth is, the average Android user is not the same as an average iPhone user. iPhone users surf the web more, they’re more willing to buy software, they’re more willing to install and use apps…
You can say that it’s elitist or arrogant to argue that iOS users are better customers than Android users. But you can also say that it’s the truth.
(Via Daring Fireball)
Apple has 2/3rds the share of industry profits while it has garnered only 5% in market share. Why would I want to go after market share in this scenario?